Our Activities

We offer a huge variety of activities suitable for different audiences and settings, including drumming, games, story telling, singing and dancing, poetry and creative writing, painting and drawing, drama, costume wearing and concerts.Here we have provided some additional information about our activities and the benefits they deliver:


Activity: In groups of at least 3, children and young people are each given drums and asked to follow instructions from the drumming instructor. Children and young people are given opportunities to lead the drumming.

Benefits: Encourages team work, supports socialisation and good communication, builds confidence and self-esteem; improves psychomotor and cognitive skills and improvisation abilities; children have fun while learning;  encourages diversity and cohesion.


Activity: Indoor and outdoor activities depending on the location and facilities available. Following instructions from the leader, using body movement, running around, clapping, singing, jumping. Children and young people are given the opportunity to lead.

Benefits: Helps reduce obesity, helps participant become aware of what is going on around them in their community and the society as a whole. Inspires and builds confidence, communication, socialisation, learning from other cultures, mentoring each other, breaking barriers to learning.

Story Telling

Activity: Participants sit in a circle or a group and listen to the story teller. Interactive elements enable participants to engage in the story and be creative.

Benefits: Allows participants to be creative, use initiative, engage their minds, communicate appropriately, helps concentration and relaxation, develops leadership skills, improve listening skills. Skills learnt can be transferred to the traditional classroom environment helping them to engage, enjoy, achieve and contribute.

Open Forum

Activity: In a sitting and relaxed position, participants are encouraged to ask questions that they may have. Appropriate answers are given either from among them or from the leader. Sometimes the leader throws the question back to participants to challenge them in an interactive manner.

Benefits: Participants are empowered to deliver information correctly, mentor each other, share experiences, ideas and thoughts, enabling them to work as a team on projects and other shared activities.

Singing & Dancing

Activity: Participants are taught music, movements and routines through traditional African games accompanied by drumming. Includes physical activities such as jumping, clapping, running, singing and dancing.

Benefits: Supports good listening and communicating, group interaction; Promotes health and well-being. Physical exercise helps to reduce obesity and makes for a healthier person overall.


Activity: In groups, participants are encouraged to explore their likes and dislikes and to use these to create their own poems. Participants are encouraged to use their environment as inspiration to write poetry.

Benefits: Helps to stimulate the imagination, develops creative writing skills, builds confidence, supports group interaction and good communication skills.

Painting & Drawing

Activity: Using African themes and the materials provided, young people explore themes of diversity and inclusion and draw from their local environment.

Benefits: Promotes team working, engages minds, helps concentration, teaches new skills as well as building on existing ones. Promotes a sense of achievement, builds confidence, communication through art, helps to reduce anxiety and stress.


Activity: Participants are encouraged to come up with a drama either based on a story heard or read or making use of the immediate environment.

Benefits: Helps to stimulate the imagination, develops creative writing skills, builds confidence, supports group interaction and good communication skills.


Activity: A concert is planned, rehearsed and performed by participants working together.

Benefits: Supports team working, creativity and confidence building. Provides skills in event planning and organization. Exposes hidden talents in front of peers and community; promotes giving to the community.

Costume Wearing

Activity: Opportunity to wear traditional African outfits and talk about them.

Benefits: Bring understanding of other cultures to enhance cross-cultural harmony and appreciation; supports individual expression and diversity and inclusion.

Creative Writing

Activity: Use of other stories as a basis for participants to write stories of their own.

Benefits: Helps to stimulate the imagination, develops creative writing skills, builds confidence, self-esteem and individual fulfilment, supports group interaction and good communication skills.